onsdag den 11. november 2015

A "normal" week in the life of a volunteer in Ecuador - 23rd to 25th of October

This weekend was pretty relaxed, which was what I needed. You need that sometimes.

For the therapy we had a group af children who can speak multiple languages. Two or three languages out of Spanish, German and English. I am really impressed with some of them. For an example one of the girls who told me everything about her favorite foods and their names in Spanish and English - and how she does not like chocolate. The revelation left us speechless. Ecuador has so tasty chocolate!
Once again I only had to work until 12, whereafter I went home and relaxed a bit, before heading to Quito. I had plans to meet up with some of the other volunteers at an Irish bar.

So we ate at the Irish bar and had a lovely night.

Today I also had plans with some of the other volunteers.We went to Quito to a food festival - which turned out to be a catastrophe. Because the food festival turned out to be a disappointing single stand in the middle and maybe two places where you could taste something. The problem just was that we had thought is up as this really big thing with lots of stalls where you could taste food from Ecuador and all over the world.
Instead we ended up at a restaurant, which was really nice and served Mexican food and spent a couple of hours talking. It was a really enjoyable day, but it was just not what I set out for in the morning.

I spend this day relaxing in the house, reading and watching Friends. You need a day without plans once in a while and I also got the chance to talk to my parents and my Grandmother, which was really nice.
It was also nice with a relaxed weekend in the house, because I had travelling plans for the next weekend to come!

Next post: Cuenca!!

I dagens terapi kom der en gruppe bestående af børn, der kunne snakke to eller tre sprog ud af Spansk, Tysk og Engelsk! For eksempel snakkede jeg med en pige, der fortalte mig om alt hendes yndlingsmad og fortalte navnene på madvarerne på både spansk og engelsk. Til sidst afslørede hun noget meget chokerende: Hun kunne ikke lide chokolade! Og Ecuador har ellers rigtig lækker chokolade!
Jeg skulle endnu engang kun arbejde indtil klokken 12, hvorefter jeg kunne tage hjem og slappe lidt af. Om aftenen skulle jeg mødes med nogle af de andre volontører på en Irsk bar, hvor vi spiste og havde en hyggelig aften.

I dag havde jeg igen planer med nogle af de andre frivillige. Vi skulle til madfestival i Quito, hvilket viste sig at være noget af en skuffelse. Fordi det viste sig at festivalen bestod af en platform i midten, hvor de viste ting og to boder, hvor vi kunne få smagsprøver. Hvorimod vi havde forventet, at der ville være en masse telte med masser af smagsprøver af Ecuadoriansk og international mad.
I stedet endte vi med at spise på en mexicansk restaurant, hvor vi snakkede i et par timer.
Det var en rigtig hyggelig dag, men ikke lige det vi havde regnet med at bruge dagen på.

Søndag tilbragte jeg bare i huset med at slappe af, se Friends og læse. Derudover fik jeg også snakket med min familie i Danmark.

Det var virkelig dejligt at have en afslappet weekend i huset og en dag uden planer. Det har man brug for en gang imellem. Særligt eftersom næste weekend stod på rejseplaner.

Næste indlæg: Cuenca!!

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