The first concert was a concert to celebrate Quito, with Latin American music.
The second was supposed to be a concert with Carlos Vives, the Justin Bieber of Salsa Music. But the concert was late and it was raining during the entire evening, so we ended up going home after having heard only a couple of other bands that was supposed to get people in the mood (but one of the bands played Sweet Child O' Mine and Highway to Hell, so I was happy).
Next concert was a classical concert - but knowing Ecuador we should have figured out that this concert was gonna be late as well. And we was about to leave being scared of protests since some of the people started yelling "out with Correa". Luckily nothing more happened.
The last concert was so loud that we could not be on the place where it was held.
During this time we also went to a festival with traditional sweets of Ecuador and otherwise just enjoyed the life in Quito.
Viva Quito (and the rest of the people go "VIVA!")
First concert Første koncert |
Decoration of the presidental palace Dekoration af præsidentpaladset |
Viva Quito! |
People drove around in party trucks Folk kørte rundt i festlastbiler. |
Second concert Anden koncert |
And it was raining! Og det regnede |
Classical concert Klassisk koncert |
Last koncert - I would wish we had not gone to this concert! Sidste koncert! Jeg ville ønske, at vi ikke var taget til denne. |
Den første koncert fejrede grundlæggelsen af Quito og var virkelig god med Latin Amerikansk musik.
Den anden var en koncert med Carlos Vives (salsaens Justin Bieber). Vi kom dog aldrig til Carlos Vives, da koncerten var virkelig forsinket og det regnede hele aftenen. Vi hørte dog nogle opvarmningsbands og det sidste inden vi gik spillede både Sweet Child O' Mine og Highway to Hell, så jeg var glad.
Den tredje koncert var en klassisk koncert, der selvfølgelig var forsinket. Og vi blev en smule bekymrede da folkemængden begyndte at råbe "Ud med Correa". Men heldigvis stoppede det hurtigt og intet andet skete.
Den sidste koncert var så højlydt, at vi ikke kunne holde ud at være på pladsen i mere end 5 minutter.
Derudover besøgte vi også en festival for traditionelt slik og søde sager.
Viva Quito! (Og folkemængden råber "VIVA!")
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